It's not easy to openly accuse your boss of being wrong, especially in politics. Trump's economic advisor just did. Directly contradicting Trump, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow Admits US Will Pay for China Tariffs . White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Sunday acknowledged that the Chinese do not directly pay tariffs on goods coming into the U.S., contradicting President Donald Trump's claims that China will pay for tariffs imposed by the U.S. Kudlow said that "both sides will suffer on this," but argued that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit. The blow to U.S. GDP, on the other hand, won't be substantial since the economy is "in terrific shape," he said. Kudlow is right about point one, wrong on point two. The US economy is not in great shape unless you consider economic bubbles as a great shape. Goldman Sachs Same Story Goldman Sachs says the same thing: The cost of Trump's tariffs has fallen ...
"La verità passa per tre gradini: prima viene ridicolizzata, poi viene contrastata, infine viene accettata come ovvia" (A. Schopenhauer)