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Visualizzazione dei post da maggio 19, 2019

Prepare for difficult times, China's Xi urges as trade war simmers | Article [AMP] | Reuters

Prepare for difficult times, China's Xi urges as trade war simmers | Article [AMP] | Reuters Prepare for difficult times, China's Xi urges as trade war simmers BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China must prepare for difficult times as the international situation is increasingly complex, President Xi Jinping said in comments carried by state media on Wednesday, as the U.S.-China trade war took a mounting toll on tech giant Huawei. The world's two largest economies have escalated tariff increases on each other's imports after talks broke down to resolve their dispute, and the acrimony has intensified since Washington last week blacklisted Chinese telecom equipment company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. The listing, which curbs Huawei's access to U.S.-made components, is a potentially devastating blow for the com

Explainer: China's rare earth supplies could be vital bargaining chip in U.S. trade war - Reuters

Explainer: China's rare earth supplies could be vital bargaining chip in U.S. trade war - Reuters Explainer: China's rare earth supplies could be vital bargaining chip in U.S. trade war - Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rare earth elements are used in a wide range of consumer products, from iPhones to electric car motors, as well as military jet engines, satellites and lasers. FILE PHOTO: A front-end loader is used to move material inside the open pit at Molycorp's Mountain Pass Rare Earth facility in Mountain Pass, California June 29, 2015. REUTERS/David Becker/File Photo Rising tensions between the United States and China have sparked concerns that Beijing could use its dominant position as a supplier of rare earths for leverage in the trade war between the two global economic powers. WHAT ARE RARE EARTHS USED IN? Rare earths are used in rechargeable batteries for electric and hybrid cars, advanced ceramics, computers, DVD players, wind turbines, catalysts in cars and oil

Greggio, prezzi proseguono discesa su balzo scorte Usa - Reuters

Greggio, prezzi proseguono discesa su balzo scorte Usa - Reuters Greggio, prezzi proseguono discesa su balzo scorte Usa LONDRA (Reuters) - I prezzi del petrolio si muovono in deciso ribasso, proseguendo il calo della sessione precedente sulla scia dell'aumento delle scorte di greggio statunitense, in un contesto di offerta abbondante e deboli dati relativi alle raffinerie. I futures sul Brent scambiano a 69,79 dollari il barile intorno alle ore 12,30 italiane, in ribasso di 1,2 dollari rispetto all'ultima chiusura. I futures sul greggio Usa arretrano di 1,06 dollari a quota 60,36, dopo aver perso il 2,5% il giorno prima. Il Brent è indirizzato verso il maggior ribasso su base settimanale in 12 settimane e il greggio Usa in 15 settimane. Le scorte di greggio statunitense sono aumentate la scorsa settimana, arrivando ai livelli più alti da luglio del 2017, secondo i dati Eia. Un inatteso accumulo delle riserve è stato evidenziato anche dai numeri Api di martedì

Germania, indice Ifo su fiducia imprese peggiora a maggio oltre attese - Reuters

Germania, indice Ifo su fiducia imprese peggiora a maggio oltre attese - Reuters Germania, indice Ifo su fiducia imprese peggiora a maggio oltre attese BERLINO (Reuters) - La fiducia delle imprese tedesche è peggiorata più delle attese a maggio indicando che la maggiore economia europea sta perdendo spinta dopo aver mostrato una solida crescita a inizio anno, secondo l'Istituto Ifo. L'indice del clima economico, molto seguito dai mercati, è sceso in maggio a 97,9 da 99,2 del mese precedente. Il dato di maggio si raffronta con una più elevata previsione di consenso pari a 99,1. "L'economia tedesca manca ancora di spinta", ha detto il presidente di Ifo Clemens Fuest, aggiungendo che la ragione principale del declino dell'indice è stata una caduta nella valutazione dei manager delle attuali condizioni negli affari. Sul sito altre notizie Reuters in italiano. Le top news anche su Fabrizio 

Boom in Dodgy Wall Street Deals Points to Market Trouble Ahead - Bloomberg

Boom in Dodgy Wall Street Deals Points to Market Trouble Ahead - Bloomberg Boom in Dodgy Wall Street Deals Points to Market Trouble Ahead Drew Singer People 'going to get burned,' says Wall Street veteran Front The fourth-quarter stock market rout that wiped out $12 trillion in shareholder value and sparked a bout of Christmas Eve panic may have quickly been forgotten by most Americans, but not by the salespeople and financial engineers of Wall Street. No, the selloff, it would appear, wound up triggering fears that time was running out on the longest bull market in history. And so, when early 2019 delivered a miraculous rebound, they wasted no time in peddling all sorts of deals and arrangements that test the limits of risk t

Fed Chair Powell Flags Financial Stability Risks: Record Debt, High Valuations, Leverage, & CLO Liquidity

Fed Chair Jay Powell told a banking conference in Fernandina Beach, Florida, tonight that a sharp rise in corporate debt is being closely monitored and  risks currently stand somewhere between "this is a rerun of the subprime mortgage crisis" and "nothing to worry about here." Powell added that a record level of concentrated, risky debt could impose severe strains on some US businesses in a downturn "Business debt does not present the kind of elevated risks to the stability of the financial system that would lead to broad harm to households and businesses should conditions deteriorate," Powell said in prepared remarks. So don't worry, right? Oh wait... "At the same time, the level of debt certainly could stress borrowers if the economy weakens." So you better keep those asset prices high, because, as Powell admits... " business debt is near record levels, and recent issuance has been concentrated in the riskiest segments.  As a result,