With so much attention being paid to the liquidity problems in the repo market, where the Fed has injected over $350BN in term repos alone in the past month... The Fed has injected $351 Billion in liquidity via Term Repos in the past month, of which $131BN are "turn" repos into the new year. pic.twitter.com/aN3zAo5fhM — zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 19, 2019 ... ignoring hundreds of billions in overnight repos and T-Bill purchases courtesy of " NOT QE ", it is easy to forget that there is a far more illiquid market out there. Problematically, it also happens to be the world's most "liquid" equity market in the world, the S&P500 . Conveniently, a recent note from BofA's equity derivatives team, reminds us that just because the repo market may have been fixed thanks to a year-end Fed liquidity panic that has backstopped $490 billion in liquidity, the S&P remains as problematic as ever. As BofA's Benjam...
"La verità passa per tre gradini: prima viene ridicolizzata, poi viene contrastata, infine viene accettata come ovvia" (A. Schopenhauer)